Get Ready to Ignite Your Faith! 



Mark your calendars for a life-changing journey at our District Convention from April 23rd to April 25th, starting at 7:30pm each night. Immerse yourself in a celebration of faith under the powerful theme “It’s Already Done,” inspired by the profound promise in 

2 Peter 1:3-4.


🔥 April 23rd – Kickoff with a Bang: Pastor Edward Butler will set the stage with an electrifying message that promises to stir your soul and elevate your spirit.


🌈 April 24th – A Night of Transformation: District Missionary Rhonda Whiters is ready to take you on a spiritual voyage that promises to be both heartwarming and transformative.


🌟 April 25th – The Grand Finale: Don’t miss Superintendent Ray A. Lee Jr. on our Official Night, where we’ll celebrate the power of faith and the assurance that “It’s Already Done.”


This is not just another convention; it’s a divine appointment! Expect miracles, breakthroughs, and a deeper connection with your faith. Let’s gather as a community and witness the glory of what has already been promised to us. 🙌✨


#FaithIgnited #DivinePromise #DistrictConvention2024 #ItsAlreadyDone

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